What’s in a Name?

To cut a long story short our name Vevar is an old Scots variant spelling of the word weaver that as far back as the 1640’s.

Now for the long story. When we first sat down to discuss opening a micro mill in Glasgow we knew we needed a name that reflected the heritage of our craft but also felt modern. Scrolling through some old books on weaving we noticed that us Scots could not decide on a spelling or even a name for weaving for centuries. We found we both liked the idea of using one of the many old Scots words, so it was a case of finding the right one.

Wobster, Voir, Weeir, each time we found a new word we found a little more about our country’s story. Many of these Scots words are influenced by our ties to France and Scandinavia but are also undeniably Scottish. Eventually we settled on Vevar.

Vevar looks and feels modern but also when spoken has the roughness and heart of the “Auld Yins” drinking whisky down the pub. A feeling that sums up us, and Glasgow well.


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