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Scottish by origin and characterised by broken checks, our houndstooth fabric design is called ‘Margo’. Named after Margo MacDonald, a massive figure in scottish and UK politics we felt it appropriate to honour her and her legacy in our inaugural collection.

Margo MacDonald (1943 - 2014) was a Scottish politician, teacher and broadcaster. As one of the biggest political personalities in Scottish history, she established herself as a forceful and respected woman who conducted her debates with respect and passion.

As a break from Parliament, she became a presenter of various television and radio programmes in Scotland. In response to accusations from male journalists that she was ‘greedy’, ‘dangerous’ and ‘dedicated to destroying the United Kingdom in the way we understand it’ she responded: ‘I’m terribly dangerous. I’m terribly greedy, because I’m really sick to the back teeth of seeing unemployment figures which show over 200,000 Scots out of work. And if you can justify to me the accusation that it’s greed for me and other people in the Scottish National Party, to want to see young Scots in jobs and able to lead a decent life in Scotland then I will accept the charge of greed’.  

She later became a three-time-returning Independent Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for Lothian from 1999 until her death.

In her later life she used her position of authority to relaunch the ‘Right to Die’ bill which aimed at allowing people whose lives became intolerable through a progressive degenerative condition or terminal illness the legal right to assisted suicide. Following her own battle with Parkinson’s disease she passed away at the age of 70 in 2014.



